Today i have tested one free window based zipping utility which i think is more powerful, it support most of the popular format such as RAR,ZIP, Tar etc, and it also quite convenient and easy to use.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
IZArc - Free Archieve Utility
Monday, April 17, 2006
Friday, April 14, 2006
Warcraft 3/ Frozen Throne 1.20d No Cd Crack and patch
Finally i have found the link for the Warcraft 3 1.20d No Cd Crack, i upgraded to version 1.20d this morning and connect again. So for all Dota allstars players, here is the link for no cd crack.
Warcraft 3/ Frozen Throne 1.20d Patch
Blizzard come out new 1.20d patch for warcraft 3/ Frozen Throne after few month of 1.20c, this make most of the Dota player need to upgrade again, player can go to Blizzard link below to download the latest Warcraft 1.20d patch.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
許多人都不忘為自己設立新目標,但又有多少人會以謹慎花費為榜首呢? 經濟雖然不景氣,但我們能對一連串的嘉年華會嘆而觀止嗎?人性是軟弱的,購物的風靡往往是從‘大減價’開始,因為感性的購物決定能滿足我們短暫的欲望,即使用不著的東西,我們也會以價格廉宜為借口而想擁有它。若不能克服這種思想,又如何致富呢?
自律往往是集聚財富的最佳途徑。即使如開源節流般簡單的行動,也能帶給我們意想不到的結果。集聚財富的最初根基就是先培養一個自律的生活習慣,並將剩余的資金作適當的投資, 如此一來才能逐漸建立個人的財庫。
Friday, April 7, 2006
Secret Of Malaysia
Recently I received one mail regarding our Malaysia statistic which is quite interesting and i try post here to share..... Here is the content of that mail
------------------------------------ Mail Content -----------------------------
This list is an open secret. Best verified by government itself because it got the statistics.
This list is not in the order of importance, that means the first one on the list is not the most important and the last one on the list does not mean least important.
This list is a common knowledge to a lot of Malaysians, especially those non-Malays (Chinese, Ibans, Kadazans, Orang Asli, Indians, etc).
Figures in this list are estimates, and please take it as a guide only. Government of Malaysia has the most correct figures. Is government of Malaysia too ashamed to publish their racist acts by publishing racial statistics?
Monday, April 3, 2006
學會奢侈,比學會節儉還要考驗人的財商。 奢侈與理財無關,這是常識。
Voodoo Cursing Doll (巫毒娃娃)

The dolls, which were imported from Thailand, they are made from a single string of hemp and they are said to be able to help people put curses on their enemies, or bring luck to themselves and friends.
Voodoo is a religion practiced primarily in Caribbean countries, especially Haiti. It is based on a mixture of Roman Catholic ritual elements and the magic of Dahomean slaves.
Saturday, April 1, 2006
Restore Backup Solution
This site was down for last 2 days ago due to hard disk failure. And the bad news is we dont have any backup plan for this server. Since that is the case, most of the user lost the data stored within this server. Even me as the owner of this site, i only able to recover the last few month data, and most of the recent post and comment gone.
Bit Torrent Download
BitTorrent is a protocol designed for transferring files. It is peer-to-peer in nature, as users connect to each other directly to send and receive portions of the file. The file can be movie, song, application, any file in any format. However, there is a central server (called a tracker) which coordinates the action of all such peers. The key philosophy of BitTorrent is that users should upload (transmit outbound) at the same time they are downloading (receiving inbound.) In this manner, network bandwidth is utilized as efficiently as possible. BitTorrent is designed to work better as the number of people interested in a certain file increases, in contrast to other file transfer protocols.