Tuesday, February 28, 2006



佛笑了笑:这个问题的答案其实就在你自己的心底。 这些年来,能让你爱得死去活来,能让你感觉得到生活充实,能让你挺起胸不断往前走,是你爱的人呢?还是爱你的人呢?


Monday, February 27, 2006


盆景四条件 ———— 叶细、枝密、干粗、根露
园林三宝 ———— 树中银杏、花中牡丹、草中兰
盆树四大家 ———— 黄杨、金雀、迎春、绒针松
累石四标准 ———— 透、漏、险、瘦
品花四标准 ———— 瘦、丑、皱、漏
赏花三品 ———— 茗赏上、谈赏次、酒赏下
花中四君子 ———— 梅、兰、竹、菊
花草四雅 ———— 兰、菊、水仙、菖蒲
花间四友 ———— 蝶、莺、燕、蜂
天下第一香 ———— 兰花
人间第一香 ———— 茉莉
花中两绝 ———— 牡丹、芍药
岁寒三友 ———— 松、竹、梅


感谢贾斯敏与我的分享, 也感谢她授权让我把这些资讯收集。

红玫瑰 代表热情真爱;
黄玫瑰 代表珍重祝福和嫉妒失恋;  
紫玫瑰 代表浪漫真情和珍贵独特;
白玫瑰 代表纯洁天真;  
黑玫瑰 则代表温柔真心;
橘红色 玫瑰友情和青春美丽;  
蓝玫瑰 则代表敦厚善良;
粉玫瑰 永远的爱


只會得一個 , 他能使你全心奉獻 , 而且 , 他的地位是任何人都不能取替的 !
你的思想 , 行為 , 喜好 都會受到他的影響, 他的喜怒哀樂也等於你的喜怒哀樂 。
每一分每一刻你都想與他一起 , 日思夜想的主角都是他 。
失去了他 , 會傷心得肝腸寸斷 , 痛徹心脾 , 整個人就像只剩下一個軀殼 。

只會得三數個 , 他們都能牽動你的情緒 , 不過卻不會對你造成太大的傷害。
你會十分欣賞這個人, 會留意他的一舉一動 , 在乎他對你的感覺 。
很多時候都會想起他 , 會想到他能否成為你的情人 。
若失去他 , 會感到幻得幻失 , 有隱隱作痛的感覺 。

什么时候 送什么花

Wedding Ceremony 颜色鲜艳且富含花语者最佳,可增进罗曼蒂克气氛,表示甜蜜

Baby Birth 色泽淡雅且富清香者(不可浓香)为宜,表示温暖、清新、伟大

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne Dota Banlist

In the battle net world, there are too much peoples who seem to think that ruining other people’s game by leaving, team killing or whatever, so the banlist was appeared to ban those leavers. The players who ruin the game will get recorded in the banlist program and next time the host can detect those peoples and kick them out before the game start.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Studio Pay Get Hacked ?

The is a rumour said that payment processor Studio Pay which own by the longest auto surf company Studio Traffic has been hacked by the hacker. The hacker has post their “proof” which is the picture of our identity card, bank statement even the passport to several forum on the internet.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

MAS Travel Fair Ticket Price

MAS Travel Air Fare 2006 is back, with the overwhelming response last time, this time Malaysia airlines claims that will not have to worry about parking or getting caught in traffic this year. This is because tickets could be booked at MAS ticketing offices and the offices of participating travel agents in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Buy Magnum 4D And Big Sweep 1+3D

I seldom buy lottery such as Magnum 4D or Big Sweep 1+3D because i think i am no luck. The second thing is even win the first prize also only get little money 2-3k, which is consider not worth for me.

When i back home today, my house owner told me that my car alarm went off on the morning, so she ask me whether want go to buy lottery. She said she won the lottery for last times when my car alarm went off. The funny thing is, she said yesterday morning the car alarm also went off but she didn’t buy the lottery last night , and today swap of my car number appear in magnum 4D result !

Tuesday, February 14, 2006




Wednesday, February 8, 2006

Start on Travian MMOG

Today I start to play Travian - A Browser Based MMOG with Romans, Teutons and Gauls.
It’s a German multi-user online game you can play using just a browser. It’s like those strategy game like Civilization. Players need to develop and gather resource to build up your empire. Player also can train up several type of military to either defense or expend the empire. Player also can ally with other player through the embassy.